Human beings are social creatures, that is one of the reasons we find living in isolation difficult. Feeling alone for a lot of people is hard to cope with. The coronavirus has left many people feel more alone than they have have ever felt before.
Self isolation has its positives too. The pace of life has certainly slowed down. We can use this time for self development which we didn’t have time for before due to our busy, non stop lives. We can also focus on the things that have been at the bottom of our to do list that we hadn’t got round to doing. So there are actually opportunities during this period of our lives.
Take up a passion
I feel very lucky. My work as a counsellor is my passion, but not everyone is as lucky as I am and can call their job their passion. Have a think about what you are passionate about that you haven’t had time to do before now. If you are unsure then maybe you can experiment with a few things, for example baking, dancing or writing. If you do know what your passion is then perhaps its time to embrace it and make the most of it right now!!!!
Helping others
There are a lot of people and organisations in need of help during this pandemic. Volunteering can provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction each day.
Keep talking and stay connected
One of the hardest things for some of us during this period is not being able to meet up with our family and friends. Keeping in touch by phone calls, video calls or even by writing an email or letter is important so we don’t get lonely, and by connecting we can share our thoughts and feelings.
Staying healthy
Being isolated at home can lead to some of us eating more and exercising less.
We can change this routine by ensuring we have enough sleep, eating well and exercising regularly. This will boost our mental state and help us stay healthy.
If you are struggling to cope with life and would like to speak to a Counsellor, I am currently working online and over the phone. Please feel free to contact me in total confidence.
Melanie Sanders (DiP MBACP)
07958 365730